Message from the President

While humans, great or otherwise, are invariably riddled with imperfections, we as the 2ndlargest professional Body in the world, believe that nothing could be more fulfilling than celebrating the ideas and thoughts of those members of ICAI serving mainly in industry and business who through their sacrifice, relentless hard work, remarkable insight and innate talent have made their organisations, rather the country, if not the world richer than they found it.

The mega annual event, 11th ICAI Awards 2017, being held on 19th January, 2018 at Nehru Centre, in Mumbai, is meant for recognizing those members who have been instrumental in creating value to their company’s stakeholders thereby steering the nation towards a greater common good. Besides being rewarded as role models, their creative contribution in respective fields that other members can emulate would be showcased in that ceremony. In fact, it would be one of the proud moments for the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) to memorize how many such jewels it has so far produced over the 68+ years of its glorious existence.

Truly, role models serve as a great source of inspiration for elevating the people to zone of high commitment and high competence. More such role models more the glory they bring to humanity and make the profession proud. Their competency makes them shine in limelight and people who come closer to them can clearly perceive their qualities of commitment. They are like flowers with beautiful colours and excellent fragrance. Dr. A.P.J. Abdul kalam’s (the 11thpresident of India) life demonstrates that if competence and commitment are interlocked in an inseparable embrace, there will be no boundaries for one’s growth.

I congratulate the Chairman and Vice Chairman as well as other members of the Committee for Professional Accountants in Business & Industry (CPABI) for widening the number of Award categories this time to cover more number of members serving in various emerging sectors.

I wish the endeavour a grand success.

CA. Nilesh Shivji Vikamsey
President, ICAI